22 January 2006

ETA Estonia: 9 weeks

Took the plunge and bought tickets today to travel to Estonia on the 28/3/06. Due to arrive at 11.15 am and expecting temperatures to be sub-zero. Amusing really as we plan to camp (!?) at Lahemaa National Park.

Next task: Book tickets for the Trans Siberian Express to Beijing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys its happening, really cool web site, check out "long way round"with Ewan Magregor they bike through Russia etc Alan

10:46 am GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have got in touch with Andy in Beijing. He'll mail you soon. Good to have the final catch up and to push your boat out the other day. Take care our Dear friends. Us 4. Shan.

1:57 pm GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great to see you both this weekend. have fun and take care on your travels. I'll miss you so much. all my love. angela xx

3:33 pm GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys. blogs lookin cool! im so excited 4u both. miss u already. lots of love n hugs holl xxxxx

8:21 pm GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys hope you enjoyed China the eles are in there new house and loving it.can't wait for some pics rally jelous all the bset Alan

9:29 am GMT  

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