25 September 2006

Renuka 22nd - 24th August

We took the toy train from Shimla to Solan, our first indian train experience. It was slow but an excellent adventure thro the many tunnels, bridges and forests. Chai shops littered the way literally, reuseable clay cups are traditionally used by chai wallahs but for obvious reasons plastic cups have risen their ugly head and the locals disposal morals are not to envy.

Again David found someone to walk us to the bus stand at Solan for Nahan, a good 1/2h walk with sweaty packs. The bus was late that was to our advantage, with bags secured we had the ride of our lifes - when buses are late the driver goes furiously to make up the time. We had to stop in Nahan in a grotty hole for the morning bus to Dodadu. Renuka is 2km walk from here, the roads are closed due to the monsoon so walking was the only option. The hottest part of the day was when we made our journey - mad dogs and englishmen eh? - we where very sweaty messes on arrival at the only hotel in Renuka. Unfortunatly it is government run so no haggling, we got ripped off for a mouldy dorm room.

The place itself was a dream! Tropical QUIET paradise. We watched boys climb trees and jump into the lake, it started to rain so we took shelter in a temple. Here we where entertained by a baba and a local girl Renu showed us round the temple.

The rain here is short and heavy, the whole valley glows with life after a shower. We spotted monkeys with babies, insects, birds, frogs, huge fruit bats chattering, turtles and deer. The butterflies where huge, colourful and in their thousands, the place was alive!

Deepram befriended us, a 17yr old lad who is dead keen to come to the bright lights of England. We did our best to put him off and give him reality bites, but he's determined to make his millions.

The place is sanctuary and again we found another dismal zoo with mental bears, fighting asiatic lions (they wonder why they fight - 6 males live in a cage about 10x10m) they stunk and where covered in open sores. The 'warden' came over at the leopard enclosure and stared to bang on the metal doors to vex the animal out, we walked away in disgust and cream de la cream, a bear cub was dragged out of a dark hole on chains for our pleasure - I soon let him knew what I thought of that. It is hard in these situations, these guys just arent aware of what these animals need and almost certainly don't have the funds available to give it to them if they did understand.
The food at this hotel was divine. Next stop Riskehesh to see Ifat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy & Dave,
Well its 6 months now since you started your expedition, it really seems to have gone by quickly.
We have bought our Motorhome, we bought it off a guy in Bembridge, it is very clean and tidy and sleeps 2-4 at a push if your friendly!
Bob's dad is getting married on the 21st October and Bob is being 'Best Man'. He says he's not looking forward to it but I suspect we will enjoy the day.
We have come to visit Nick and Jo and Ryan this weekend (30th Sept). Nick has got a new job he is starting on the 23rd Oct as an Online Content Developer with a company in Cambridge, it involves writing computer games, he is 'over the moon' that he got this job.
His new home is really good, this is the first weekend I have been here. It has 3 bedrooms and a lovely conservatory out the back and is situated in a good area.
I hope Dave is well and not getting too many insect bites. I have just finished reading your August entries on the web and Nick is going to type this up for you, so lots of love from all of us,

Love you loads,
Mum + Bob + Nick + Jo + Ryan

12:11 pm GMT  

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